Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Is Love Between 2 People

Before I actually sat down and started writing this blog again, I was in the most confused state of mind ever and I would have gone crazy for that fact. Thankfully I straighten it all out and of course, it does come with massive sacrifices. The fact that most of my blogs is all about love and emotions, is basically because it is something that I would be very brave to say which have eluded me.
Just before Valentine's Day this year, there was some hope from within that maybe this year would be a better one for me and of course it is not without a fair bit of skeptism. As the day draw nearer, suddenly like a bubble that burst as like your hopes and dreams. All is lost now and gone forever even. In a flash, I resigned to the fact that love is never meant for me as I do not anything more to offer in life and to the other half which I am interested in.
Love between 2 people of yesteryears was so different and it is all about living for each other, and the years being together made the bond between the lovers becoming stronger. Guessed gone was the days of such a kind of love.......this days is all about how much you could afford, how much you can contribute, and essentially it is more of status quo kinda thing this days.
In all fairness, I do ask myself more everyday until I am now very convinced that I may no longer venture into relationships anymore. The painful truths involved are that I could not afford financially to be really involved in a relationship or even to set up a small family, and the fact that it has been heartbreak after heartbreak, I really find it so hard to give my feelings away anymore.
This even start a relationship, we have to evaluate how much can we really afford in a relationship. It is not all about money but it is about what we can or cannot afford that really contemplates the success or failures in your attempt to win a lady's heart.
I guess after so much I have been through and seriously evaluating the possibilities/probables, I really have to accept the UGLY TRUTH that love is never meant for someone like me. I hate to say it, I really hate to admit it, and that I really have no choices anymore but to walk away and walk away for good. I really want to find someone to love for the rest of my life, someone whom I could place my faith, my heart and could share my ups/downs with....and it is not all about sex too. Guessed also it is not all about how much I feel anymore cause I got to admit, it is not longer relevent is really sad indeed.
People do ask me, what are my aspirations and what do I live for this days? Seriously, ever since the last of my childhood aspirations was achieved back in 2005, there was none but one which I would like to revive and see if I could see better outcomes. The one thing which I have tried to revive and see if there is any better outcomes - my love life. Shitty, catastrohphically a disaster could be used to describe it..... So now if you ask me, what is there in life for me? NOTHING as maybe I am just waiting for the day to come when I am home with the creator, or simply just to say that I am waiting for the day I die.......

Regretfully, I really tried very hard to inspire myself to move on and be positive. I guess the most positive thing or thought I have now is that I am alive and still living on. But the truth, I really can't wait to leave this wretched world filled with cynical, skeptical and people with rationale that simple people like me would never comprehend.

I would like to share a song with everyone who have read my blog.....a song which is every bit of me and my heart when it comes to loving someone.....
The song was first heard by me in 1982....titled More than just the two of us by Sneakers


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